You can purchase USDT, GRAM, TON, BTC, LTC, ETH, BNB, TRX, and USDC through trades with other @CryptoBot users using a payment method convenient for you (for example, bank transfer), using the P2P Market.
To view offers and purchase, go to P2P → Buy, then select the currency you want to buy in the P2P Market (if this is your first time), then the desired cryptocurrency and payment method (for example, P2P → Buy → RUB → USDT → Sberbank). Then select one of the ads and create a deal on it, following the step-by-step instructions.
You can also create your own ad for purchase with your price and desired payment method in P2P → Create an ad (this feature is not available to new users immediately).
For safe transactions, please follow these recommendations: